Monday, December 14, 2009


I don't know. I really don't know. During November, I made consistant money. It wasn't huge numbers, but it was consistant, over 1000 games. December has been disastrous. My Bankroll has been more than split in half. This morning I went down to the 5.2 games and did even worse.

My game is about the same, so I'm really not sure what is happening. I'm going to make some changes.

1. Only play 5 games at a time (not six). I need to focus a bit more and I think playing 5 games helps.

2. Take days off. I have played about 50 days straight and I think burn out may be a big problem with me right now. I am not going to play another game until Thursday morning. I also need to distance myself from this horrible run.

3. I may set a number of games to play each day. I'll play that number if I'm winning or losing. Probably about 25 or 30.

4. This isnt' specific... but I need to look at the big picture and not each day's individual win/loss. I'm still going to record it but I need to look at the big picture.

5. I'm moving down to 5.2 games. Hopefully the competition will be worse and I'll be able to lick my wounds.

I could be titlting. When I have a horrible run, I just want to quit, and the SNG's I'm involved in tend to suffer because I play a little worse.

This has been frustrating. I worked hard, played well, and made about 600, now it's down to about 300 in a matter of days... and I cannot tell why. The idea of making 1000 in profits now seems laughable.

My New Goal is to work off my bonus while not losing. Seriously, I'd be happy with breaking even for a week.

Today's Stats
Win/Loss: -42
# of Games Played: 10 DoN SNG-T $5.4
BR - 321

Yesterday's Stats
Win/Loss: -10-ish
# of Games Played: 26 DoN SNG-T $10.4
BR - 363.43

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